Scholarship Opportunities
Mr. Greene
Vincent O. Greene Scholarship
Our parish has been blessed by the generosity of one of our long time members, Mr. Vincent O. Greene, who passed away in 2015. Mr. Greene left a gift to St. Patrick’s Parish in the form of a college scholarship trust for students of our parish. Those students who have shown steady involvement in parish life, academic merit or promise and demonstrated leadership attributes will be eligible to receive an award of up to half of a full-time student’s college, to include community college, tuition, supplies, books and fees.
This year we are implementing an automated application form. For questions regarding the new system, please email us here.
Jerry McArthur
Jerry McArthur Scholarship
The Jerry McArthur Scholarship is annually given to a graduating senior, who is a parishioner at St. Patrick and who has served our parish during their high school years. This scholarship is in memory of Jerry McArthur who ran our Coffee Shop from 1993 until his passing in the fall of 2019. The deadline for this year’s application is April 14th. To download the application, please click here.
Fr. Charles Martell
Fr. Charles Martell Scholarship
Applications for the Fr. Charles Martell Scholarship and supporting documents are due at the St Patrick Parish office by 4pm, Friday April 25th, 2025 . This scholarship is open to all high school graduating seniors who have helped at one or more Urbana Knights of Columbus events. To download the application, click here.
Supporting documents include:
Confirmation certificate
Reference letter from High school faculty or administrator
Statement of financial need or proposed use of scholarship
A letter of reference from a non-related St Patrick or St Mary parish member
If you have any questions, please call Ed Clancy at (217) 384-1144.
Scholarships will be awarded at the graduation Mass on Saturday May 10th at 4pm. The number of scholarships vary depending on number of applications, and the amount of award also depends on applicant’s needs.
Deacon David Zola
Deacon David Zola Memorial Scholarship for Music
This scholarship is named after Deacon David Zola who was a member of St. Patrick’s Parish since 1978 and was a graduate of the ninth class of permanent deacons for the Diocese of Peoria. Deacon David was ordained on May 19, 2012, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. He was always there to greet parishioners before Mass with a smile and a hand shake. Deacon David loved his St. Patrick’s family. Deacon David, also, loved the music at St. Patrick’s and its spirituality. The cantor stand built for our church was dedicated to Deacon David. Deacon David’s scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior who attends St. Patrick’s Parish and plans to attend college or further their education. Applications are available online at and should be submitted no later than April 14th to One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually at the Graduation Mass. Recipient will be notified the first week of May. For a copy of the application, please click here. Please email applications to Mary Tate at