When parents have their children baptized, they are saying they want all the graces of Christ that they enjoy be to enjoyed by their children. For this reason, parents need to be practicing Catholics that are dedicated to their faith community. This includes being registered at St. Patrick, doing what is within their means to support the parish, and faithfully worshiping at Mass each Sunday. In addition, baptismal instruction is required for new parents. Our baptism prep class meets on the first Tuesday of each month.
Godparents must be:
One male and one female (only one godparent is required)
Confirmed and practicing Catholics
If married, it is a marriage validly recognized by the Catholic Church.
If you are ready to have your child baptized, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and then contact us today! (217) 367-2665
Parents are the primary teachers of the faith, therefore, are responsible for preparing their children for the Sacraments. The Church understands that this task can be difficult, so we provide religious education classes here at St. Patrick to supplement parents’ formation of their children.
Requirements for Reception of First Communion:
Children are in second grade or have reached the age of seven
Children have been baptized
Children enrolled in religious education classes for at least one year before they begin preparing for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Click here for mass attendance policy for students preparing for First Communion
Click here for Spanish translation; Click here for French translation
If you would like to sign up your child or teen for religious education, please email our Religious Education Director, Jon McCoy, today! (217) 367-2665
First Reconciliation is celebrated by second-graders in preparation for their First Holy Communion. Students in our 2nd-grade religious education class prepare for First Reconciliation when attending their religious education class. Parents of students preparing for First Reconciliation will also need to attend a retreat in the fall.
First Reconciliation typically happens in November with an evening service at St. Patrick Catholic Church. Confessions can also be arranged by appointment with Fr. Anthony.
We encourage parents to go to Reconciliation frequently, so their children see confession as a place of peace that they can go to as they grow up.
St. Patrick believes in helping those with special needs receive their sacraments. Please contact the parish office if your child is in need of accommodations.
Parents are the primary teachers of the faith and therefore are responsible for preparing their children for the Sacraments. The Church understands that this task can be very challenging and helps by providing faith formation through the parish. Our current confirmation class will start in the fall of 2023 and will be confirmed in the spring of 2024.
Requirements to Receive Confirmation:
Eighth Grade or older
Regularly attending mass (Click here for mass attendance policy for Confirmation; Click here for Spanish translation; Click here for French translation)
Baptized Catholic (or Received into the Catholic Church) who has received First Communion
Actively participating in two consecutive years of religious instruction, whether at religious education at St. Patrick, a Catholic parochial school, or an approved home school curriculum.
Attend weekly confirmation classes (Sept.-Apr.)
Confirmation classes begin in September 2025 and Confirmation will take place in the spring of 2026.
If you are not already attending religious education, please email us today! (217) 367-2665
Congratulations on your engagement! There are many ways to get married. By choosing a Catholic wedding, you are saying: ‘We welcome God into our marriage and invite Him to be a constant source of help and grace.’ He is most ready to help you grow as a couple and as his disciples!
Here are some helpful tips as you get started:
Contact the parish office, (217) 367-2665, and express your desire to be married. Per Diocesan policy, please notify the office at least 8 months prior to setting the date for your marriage. You will also be required to complete the Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program.
Introduce yourself to Father Anthony if you do not already know him personally.
Open yourself to the invitation to actively join the faith community of your parish. If you are not registered parishioners, please register. Your parish is your faith family and wants to assist you in a relationship of mutual belonging.
Review our Marriage Preparation Packet to see a summary of this information and a message from our music director.
You will meet about four to six times with the priest, beginning with the FOCCUS questionnaire which helps assess communication levels on various issues. You’ll need one session to fill out the FOCCUS, then another few sessions to discuss the results. These helpful meetings will help you see where communication has been strong and where it might improve. The remaining sessions will cover the basic biblical understanding of Christian marriage as a sacrament. Father may help equip you by suggesting carefully chosen video/audio/ printed resources as you prepare for your marriage. He may wish to discuss them with you during meetings. Please take advantage of these excellent opportunities for personal growth.
In addition to your meetings with the Father, the Diocese requires two formation sessions provided through specialized local instructors. You can access all the information on dates and registration for these sessions here. However, before signing up for any classes, please arrange the first meeting with Father.
The couple is responsible for obtaining recent copies of Baptism & Confirmation certificates. You can easily obtain these by calling the church where these sacraments were celebrated and requesting copies.
The couple is also responsible for choosing two people (usually family members) to meet with the Father sometime before the wedding in order to fill out ‘witness affidavits.’ These are simple forms that verify that each spouse is free to marry. They take only a few minutes to fill out; however, they are important and are required by the Diocese.
Weekly Sunday Mass, daily prayer, and a zealous striving to love God and neighbor are essential to becoming the type of person capable of sustaining a lifetime of committed married love. Pre-marital cohabitation is discouraged. At a minimum, couples are asked to practice pre-marital abstinence for a period of time before the wedding, as discussed with the priest. Couples are strongly encouraged to go to the sacrament of reconciliation prior to the wedding.
The Ceremony
Weddings are typically scheduled for Fridays at 6 pm or Saturdays at 1 pm, with a 45-minute rehearsal the evening before usually beginning at 5 pm.
The music must be sacred music (pertaining to God) from the opening to the closing of the actual liturgy. Other non-sacred music may be used for prelude and postlude, as approved by the director of music.
Couples are encouraged to choose the readings from those given which may include an Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel reading. A Responsorial Psalm is also included, usually sung. Couples may choose readers.
Photography is allowed. However, we ask that the photographer not enter the sanctuary during the liturgy, as this is considered a sacred space and is to be respected as such.
There are numerous costs associated with weddings. These fees (or gifts) pertaining to the liturgy should be paid the night of the rehearsal, or before. The fee for the use of the church must be paid in advance to reserve your date on our parish calendar. Should you have difficulties with these fees, please contact the pastor. There should be no financial obstacle to any celebration of the Sacraments.
For a copy of our wedding fees, see our marriage preparation packet above.
Ready to plan your wedding at St. Patrick?
Please fill this out and then contact us today! (217) 367-2665
Whenever needed, please call the parish office at (217) 367-2665. Please advise us of persons in the hospital, nursing facilities, or homebound.
Ever thought about becoming a priest? Contact Fr. Anthony today! (217) 367-2665
Fr. Alex Millar at his first Mass
St. Patrick May 2015
Baptismal Form