Get involved in our liturgical ministries!
Music Ministry
The Adult Choir has a repertoire that ranges from Gregorian chant to traditional choral classics to contemporary choral music. This choir is open to all interested, regardless of prior experience. Rehearsal on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The Funeral Schola provides music at parish funeral liturgies, usually on weekday mornings.
Cantors lead the assembly in song at weekend parish liturgies. This includes singing the Responsorial Psalm, leading responses, and announcing the music.
Skilled instrumentalists of all ages are welcome to play at any Mass or may join our Contemporary Group, that plays at liturgies twice each month. Rehearsals are before each liturgy and as announced.
The Bell Choir often rings for Masses during the year. Rehearsals are often Saturday mornings. For more information, please email Cathy Salika.
The Congolese Choir prepares music in French, Lingala, Kinkongo, Latin, and Greek. They sing at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on the last Sunday of a month. They meet for rehearsal and prayer Saturdays at 5 pm in the parish lounge. If you have interest in this group, please email Kais Mbuyi.
Youth Choir: The Parish Youth Choir is a group of school age children, grades 2-8 who lead music at Sunday liturgies and on special occasions. Rehearsals are before each scheduled Mass and as announced.
For information about any of our music ministries, please contact our music director, James Rossi, @ 321-505-6725.
In proclaiming the Word of the Lord, the lector shares the story of God’s love for us. To become a lector, please email Frank Modica.
Altar Servers
Currently there is no coordinator for servers and we are updating our program. Service hours will only be provided for mentor servers who oversee the ongoing training of altar servers at each Mass. For more information, click here.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Eucharistic ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) serve the meal at our Eucharistic banquet, sharing the Body and Blood of the Lord with all who come. To become an EMHC, please email Diane Wilhelm. EMHC Quiz
Sacristan Ministry - Sacristan Assistants
Sacristan assistants prepare the gathering space and materials used in our parish liturgies. They also set up for Mass, enabling that the bread and wine, chalice, communion cups, and any other special vessels or materials required are in place and ready for use. Under the coordination of the Sacristan, there is some flexibility when tasks can be performed. Assistants performing Mass set-up are scheduled to serve twice a month for a specific weekend or daily Mass. Training is provided by the Sacristan. To join our ministry team, please email or call Diane Wilhelm at (630)292-3028.
Ushers greet us on our arrival and help us to find adequate seating before the service begins. They also distribute materials needed by the assembly for Mass, take up a collection of our offerings for the maintenance of our house of worship and the continuance of our mission as a parish, help to maintain good order during the Communion procession, and distribute parish bulletins as we leave the church. To become an usher, please email Mary Nelson
St. Patrick Virtual Choir
AV Ministry - Streamers
Utilizing OBS streaming software and three permanently mounted cameras, the AV Ministers live stream ALL weekday and weekend Masses. Upon request, weddings, funerals and Baptisms are also live streamed and available for viewing on the St Patrick Urbana YouTube channel. To help with this ministry, please email or call (630)292-3028 Diane Wilhelm.
Art & Environment Team
Liturgical artists seek to fashion an environment that helps people pray together. Assistance in designing, sewing, crafting, arranging is needed most especially for the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. For more information, please email Susan Reese.
Deaf/ Hard-of-Hearing Ministry
Sign-language interpreters provide a way for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to participate more fully in the celebration of the Eucharist. Sign-language interpretation is offered at the noon Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month and on special occasions.For more information, please email Minette Sternke.
Welcome Team
The St. Patrick Welcome Team seeks to extend a warm welcome to newcomers and visitors to our wonderful parish. To help this ministry, please email Mary Long.