Worship Ministry
Liturgical Ministries:
Altar Servers: Assist the presider in a variety of ways during the Mass: carrying articles to be used, assisting with the presider’s book of prayers, offering incense, and preparing the altar. Training takes place in the church. To volunteer please contact the office. Currently, there is no coordinator for servers and we are updating our program. Service hours will only be provided for mentor servers who oversee the ongoing training of altar servers at each Mass. For more information, click here.
Liturgical Art & Environment Team: This group enjoys coming together to brainstorm ideas that will enhance the themes of the liturgy and help the community pray together throughout the year. They collaborate in the creation and arrangement of banners, small displays, and flowers to use throughout the church. Assistance in designing, sewing, crafting, and setting up is needed most especially for the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. To serve in this ministry, please contact Susan Reese at reesesusan50@gmail.com.
Eucharistic Ministers: EMHCs assist with sharing Christ's Body and Blood with his people. EMHCs may choose to serve at Liturgies only, in pastoral care settings only, or in both liturgical and pastoral care ministries. EMHC training and diocesan commissioning is offered throughout the year. Liturgical EMHCs are scheduled to serve once or twice a month, at their Mass time of preference. To serve in this ministry, contact Diane Wilhelm at wilhelmd@earthlink.net or call/text at (630) 292-3028.
Lectors: Lectors share the story of God’s love for us by proclaiming the readings and prayers of the faithful at Mass. To serve please contact Frank Modica at fcmodica67@gmail.com.
Sacristan Ministry-Sacristan Assistants: Sacristan assistants prepare the gathering space and materials used in our parish liturgies. They also set up for Mass, enabling that the bread and wine, chalice, communion cups, and any other special vessels or materials required are in place and ready for use. Under the coordination of the Sacristan, there is some flexibility when tasks can be performed. Assistants performing Mass set-up are scheduled to serve twice a month for a specific weekend or daily Mass. Training is provided by the Sacristan. To join our ministry team, please email wilhelmd@earthlink.net or call/text Diane Wilhelm at (630)292-3028.
Ushers: Ushers greet us on our arrival and help us find adequate seating before the service begins. They distribute materials needed by the assembly for Mass, take up offertory collections, help maintain order during the Communion procession, and distribute items as we leave the church. Contact: Mary Nelson, nelson.mary.p@gmail.com
AV Ministry - Streamers: Utilizing OBS streaming software and three permanently mounted cameras, the AV Ministers live-stream weekday and weekend Masses. Upon request, weddings, funerals, and Baptisms are also live-streamed and available for viewing on the St. Patrick Urbana YouTube channel. AV Ministers can stream remotely from home and/or office; Or use the church computer and stream while attending Mass. A monthly streaming schedule is created, based on each streamer’s availability and preferences. AV Ministers are typically scheduled to stream one Mass per week. Training is provided, no previous streaming experience is required. To serve in this ministry, please contact Diane Wilhelm at wilhelmd@earthlink.net or call/text (630)292-3028.
Music Ministries:
The Adult Choir has a repertoire that ranges from Gregorian chant to traditional choral classics to contemporary choral music. This choir is open to all interested, regardless of prior experience. Rehearsal on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The Funeral Schola provides music at parish funeral liturgies, usually on weekday mornings.
Cantors lead the assembly in song at weekend parish liturgies. This includes singing the Responsorial Psalm, leading responses, and announcing the music.
Skilled instrumentalists of all ages are welcome to play at any Mass or may join our Contemporary Group, that plays at liturgies twice each month. Rehearsals are before each liturgy and as announced.
The Bell Choir often rings for Masses during the year. Rehearsals are often Saturday mornings. For more information, please email Cathy Salika.
The Congolese Choir prepares music in French, Lingala, Kinkongo, Latin, and Greek. They sing at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on the last Sunday of a month. They meet for rehearsal and prayer Saturdays at 5 pm in the parish lounge. If you have interest in this group, please email Kais Mbuyi.
Youth Choir: The Parish Youth Choir is a group of school age children, grades 2-8 who lead music at Sunday liturgies and on special occasions. Rehearsals are before each scheduled Mass and as announced.
For information about any of our music ministries, please contact our music director, James Rossi, @ 321-505-6725.
Faith Development Ministry
Children’s Religious Education
Pre K – 5th grade: We always need teachers and aides for our religious education classes for four-year-old preschoolers through fifth graders. Classes at St. Patrick’s occur on Sunday mornings from 8:45 am. to 9:45 am. We currently need classroom teachers and substitute teachers. For more information, please email Jon McCoy at jon.mccoy@stpaturbana.org.
St. Patrick Youth Group (6th grade through 12th grade): The goal of the St. Patrick Youth Group is to give our teens an environment where they can grow closer to Christ and their Catholic faith and also have fun. The teens will spend time in prayer and learning about their faith, but they will also play games, go to the movies together, do service projects, etc. As for volunteers, the youth group needs a leadership team to run this program. Within the team, one member will be in charge of the faith lesson(s), one person will be in charge of the fun activities, one person will be in charge of each week's prayer time, etc. So if you would like to help our teens grow closer to Christ, please email Jon McCoy at jon.mccoy@stpaturbana.org.
Confirmation: Confirmation is a one year process for our 8th grade and older students. Confirmation is celebrated every other year at St. Patrick, and our next Confirmation will be in the spring of 2026. Baptism preparation for teens can be arranged on request. We need teachers and aides to help.
Mission Trip: Open to high school students and adults. To go on the annual summer mission trip, teens during the preceding school year need to participate in the fall and spring service and fundraising opportunities. Teens and adults, sign up if you are interested in participating. Contact: jchilders711@sbcglobal.net.
Summer Religious Education: Summer religious education options are week-long programs with a focus on teaching children and youth the core beliefs of their Catholic faith while having a lot of fun in the process. Programs will either be Vacation Bible School (led by St. Patrick’s teens and parents) or Totus Tuus (led by college students). Many volunteers are needed to make this program a success. Contact Jon McCoy at jon.mccoy@stpaturbana.org.
Marriage Preparation: Married couples assist engaged couples to prepare for marriage by acting as mentor couples. Our pastor connects mentor couples with engaged couples. Sign up to be a mentor. Contact the parish office at 217-267-2665.
Pre-Baptism Classes: A baptism preparation class is offered on the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the parish center. These are small-group, interactive classes for parents on the sacrament of Baptism. Parents are required to attend a session before the baptism of their child. Additional couples are sought to help lead small-group classes. Baptism preparation class is required for parents having their first child baptized in the Church. During the one hour class, we use a PowerPoint to discuss Baptism as the first of the seven sacraments; history of Baptism; the symbols; and requirements of Godparents. To help with this ministry, please email Shirley Splittstoesser at splittstoe@gmail.com.
OCIA: (formerly RCIA) is the educational program for adults interested in becoming Catholic. Sessions start in September. OCIA culminates in entry into the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist administered at the Easter Vigil. Sign up if you or someone you know are interested in becoming Catholic, or if you would like to help by sponsoring an OCIA candidate. Contact the parish office at 217-367-2665 or email secretary@stpaturbana.org.
Spiritual Enrichment Ministry
Centering Prayer: Centering prayer opens us to an awareness of God’s presence and grateful acceptance of God’s action within. Individuals gather each Monday, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. via Zoom for shared reflection on a brief Scripture reading (Lectio Divina), followed by silent, centering prayer. For more information contact Mary Lou Menches at mmenches@illinois.edu or 217-344-1125, or contact Carl Nelson to join on Thursdays at chnelson@illinois.edu or 217-840-0348.
Eucharistic Ministers of Pastoral Care: To someone homebound, in a nursing home, or hospitalized and unable to come to church, receiving the Eucharist and maintaining connections with the parish community bring consolation. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are trained in compassionate pastoral care by others who are experienced in doing just that. This corporal work of mercy is a very rewarding ministry of our Church. Pastoral EMHCs may choose to make Communion visits to the Homebound, those living in Assisted Living Residences, Carle Hospital patients, or any combination. Pastoral EMHCs are scheduled to serve once or twice each month. We are in constant need of more volunteers to join our pastoral care ministry. Is the Spirit calling YOU?
If you are interested in serving as a Pastoral EMHC please contact: Diane Wilhelm, wilhelmd@earthlink.net, 630-292-3028.
For details concerning pastoral care to Carle Hospital patients, please contact Kevin Martindale, rewirek@sbcglobal.net, 217-369-4324.
Ministry of Consolation: The Ministry of Consolation teams provide support for parishioners who have lost a loved one. One team attends the Funeral Masses at St. Patrick; prepares the church for the celebration of the Mass; assists the presider during the Mass; and attends to the needs of those present at the service. The Consolation ministry also provides follow-up grief support by providing programs throughout the year and personally as needed. Our Funeral Prayer Team prays for the deceased and their families and are invited to attend funerals. This ministry is a simple one, but it is vital to the spiritual well-being of our parish community, and it is a great comfort to the family of the deceased. Last, but not least, is our Prayer Shawl Ministry. See below for description. If interested, please email Pam Donze DeLey pamdonzedeley@gmail.com or Diane Wilhelm at wilhelmd@earthlink.net.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Volunteers can participate in the Prayer Shawl Ministry, knitting or crocheting shawls while praying for the recipient of the shawl, usually someone seriously ill, in emotional need, or in stressful circumstances. For more information, contact the parish office at 217-367-2665 or email secretary@stpaturbana.org.
Young Adult Bible Study: 6:30 pm Thursdays in the parish lounge. The Young Adult Catholic Bible Study Group at St Patrick aims to foster a deep and personal relationship with God through the study of Sacred Scripture. We seek to create a supportive and engaging community where young adults can explore their faith, grow spiritually, and find practical applications of biblical teachings in their everyday lives. Discover the richness of scripture in lively discussion through our inclusive Bible Study of young adults. All are welcome! Contact: vitorrezendealves@hotmail.com OR elio.jabra@hotmail.com.
Faith Community Nurses: Our focus is care to the body, mind and spirit by focusing on health promotion, illness/injury prevention, and chronic disease education. Parishioners who are registered nurses help members of the parish navigate the healthcare system and connect with available community resources. They offer blood pressure screenings one Sunday each month in the parish lounge between 8am and 10am and provide monthly health tips and resources for the parish bulletin as well the Health Bulletin Board located in the hallway by the classrooms. To join Parish Nurses, you must be a registered nurse. Training is available twice per year. For assistance or information contact Roxane Lowry at rmlowryster@gmail.com or call the parish office 217-367-2665.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry: This is a group of women and men who provide support to parishioner’s families after the loss of a loved one by arranging and/or providing a repast meal. Volunteers set up for and clean up after the meal. The family pays for the meat and other incidentals. Luncheon Bakers as a part of this ministry are parishioners, who supply casseroles, fruit salads, vegetable salads, desserts, etc. Volunteers of both women and men, are needed to help with the food donation, setup, cleanup, and dishwashing (using the dishwasher). Volunteers are emailed prior to funerals and help when their schedule allows. Coordinated by the Women of St Patrick. Contact Kathy McKenzie, kamckenzie20@gmail.com or Anna Conner, annaconner2@gmail.com if interested.
Prayer Tree: St. Patrick Parish has a group of parishioners who pray for the intentions of anyone in need or who would like to request prayers. There is no specific prayer or specific prayer time. You may make any prayer and may pray at any time; while doing daily errands, housework or working on your favorite hobby. Prayers may include the rosary, morning or evening prayer, praying at Mass or any place. Those being prayed for are greatly blessed by your prayers. To join the Prayer Tree, please email Mary Lou Menches at mmenches@illinois.edu or call the parish office at 217-367-2665. A member may request to be removed from the prayer tree at any time. To submit a prayer request, please send your request to our Prayer Tree email (prayertree@stpaturbana.org) or call the parish office.
Spiritual Direction: Spiritual Directors are trained and experienced in listening deeply, viewing the encounter as Holy Listening. The focus is relationship with God in daily life, prayer and reflection, discernment of calling, spiritual growth, and obstacles or resistance to growth. Reflecting deeply on the experiences of daily life, you may begin to recognize God’s presence and grace, and that God’s Spirit is truly with you every day and everywhere, seeking a closer relationship with you. Contact the parish office: 217-367-2665.
Parish Community Life Ministry
Baby Blanket Ministry: The parish welcomes new babies and their parents with the gift of a special receiving blanket. Parishioners create and pray over these blankets before they are given to the family. Contact: Bernadette Nelson at bernelson@comcast.net.
Baptismal Garment Ministry: These parishioners create white garments that are a gift from our parish to the newly baptized child and their family and which may be used during the Rite of Baptism. Contact: Shirley Splittstoesser at splitts@life.illinois.edu or call 217-367-3330.
Champaign Urbana Catholic Young Professionals (CU CYP): Are you interested in connecting with other young adults? This group welcomes parishioners aged 20-40 to come together for potlucks, outings, and times of prayer and/or sharing. The group also offers opportunities for volunteering and social events. Contact Micah Ventura at cucatholicyoungprofessionals@gmail.com.
Coffee Shop: After 8 am Sunday Masses and after both 8 and 10 am Masses on the first Sundays of the month, St. Brigid Hall of the parish center provides the setting for a socializing event known as the Coffee Shop. Family teams serve coffee, orange juice, and doughnuts. Contact: Susie McArthur at 217-840-7775.
Communications Committee: If you have journalistic interests or artistic skills, enjoy gathering or disseminating information, can use page layout software, or simply have ideas for In Focus, the Communications Committee would be pleased to hear from you. This committee creates a parish newsletter, In Focus, and publishes articles in the diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Post. Contact: Cathy Salika at 217-367-7861 or email csalika@illinois.edu.
Knights of Columbus: The Urbana Council 5752 is a fraternal organization of men that supports St. Patrick Parish and many local community projects, and a variety of popular parish activities, including Lenten dinners, Fr. Charles Martell Scholarships, pancake breakfasts, golf outings, and Ladies Knight Out and Fall Tootsie Roll Drive. To join our Knights of Columbus, email Steve Beckett at steve@beckettlawpc.com.
Welcome Team: “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” {Hebrews 13:2} Do you have a heart for hospitality, making new people feel welcome? Have you experienced being welcomed into a new community or parish and would like to extend that same welcome to others? The St. Pat’s Welcome Team seeks to extend a warm welcome to newcomers and visitors to our wonderful parish. During the Fall and Spring, we have team members stand at the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Space before and after Mass to greet visitors and newcomers. They share information about the parish and the many ministries. Team members also contact newly registered parishioners and invite them to Coffee Shop and offer a tour of the parish. We invite you to join this ministry of welcoming new people into our parish. Please email Mary Long at yemmalong@yahoo.com.
Women of St. Patrick: The Women of St. Patrick (WSP) is a group for all the women of the St. Patrick parish. Its mission is to foster spirituality, to provide service to our parish and community, and to organize, support, and host social gatherings for the St. Patrick community. It is an organization that enables the women of our parish to get to know and connect with one another. Events are scheduled for day and evening and include luncheons, guest speakers, dinners out at various restaurants, the Cellar-to-Garret Sale, and the Christmas Cookie and Basket Sale. All women of the parish are welcome to volunteer for or attend any activity or event. Contact Roxanne Munch at roxanne_munch@sbcglobal.net.
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Ministry: St. Patrick is using several strategies to help Deaf and hard of hearing parishioners to fully and actively participate in the Eucharistic liturgy. A Deaf interpreter is available in the South pews, on the second Sunday of the month, at the 8am Mass. Recordings of the celebration of Mass on YouTube are captioned, and hearing assistance devices are available from the ushers at all Masses. Hymnal numbers for readings and hymns are projected to further assist in liturgy participation. Printed copies of weekend homilies are available and can be found under the Projection Unit, at the bottom of the stairs, in the Gathering Space. To assist or for more information, please contact Minette Sternke at cudeafministry@gmail.com.
Parents and Tots Ministry: Here at St Patrick, we care about PaTs. Parents and Tots is a new ministry dedicated to fostering a safe, playful and spiritually-vibrant community among parents and families wanting to raise their children in the Catholic faith. We strive to encourage an environment in which parents can thrive and their children learn and grow in their love for Jesus. It is open to families with children and grandchildren of all ages! Volunteers help in planning activities such as potlucks, age-appropriate spiritual activities, and arranging babysitting during parish events. To join or serve in this ministry, please contact Anna Kinskey at anna.kinskey@gmail.com.
Peace & Justice Ministry
Environmental Stewardship – SVdP Garden: There are several Parish efforts to promote stewardship of the Earth and responsible use of the Earth’s resources. This includes an organic garden that provides fresh produce for clients of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Volunteers with a green thumb tend the garden at Meadowbrook Park. The food pantry guests enjoy the fresh produce all summer. For more information, please contact Anna Fedders via email at annafedders@gmail.com, or call the church 217-367-2665 and leave a message in the food pantry mailbox. Parishioners are welcome to work with the staff on efforts around sustainability and energy conservation for our church property. If you have an idea for any projects, contact the office at 217-367-2665.
Meals on Wheels: Twice a year, one week at a time, hot meals prepared at Betsy's Bistro, are picked up by St. Patrick Parish volunteers and delivered to designated recipients in the Champaign-Urbana area through a program run by Family Service of Champaign County called Meals on Wheels. To volunteer, contact Kevin Martindale at rewirek@sbcglobal.net.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry: The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) Food Pantry is made up of volunteers who answer Jesus' call to feed the hungry. For many years, our main outreach has been the food pantry which is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 pm. Many volunteers come together to help those in need in our community. Volunteers prepare bags of groceries from 3-5:15pm on distribution days. Others are needed to unload deliveries and stock shelves on Tuesday mornings beginning at 8:30 am. Still others pick up bread from our generous local businesses (Panera and St Joseph IGA) and others re-package the bread for distribution. It is a ministry that offers the opportunity for fellowship while doing outreach and helping those in need.
Other SVdP activities include the Thanksgiving food distribution which takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Through the generosity of parishioners in both their time and financially, we have provided food for a Thanksgiving meal to 225-260 families in the Champaign-Urbana area.
The Friends dinner was a popular event before Covid. This is an evening where parishioners serve dinner to our pantry guests, socialize and get to know them on a more personal level. With interest from parishioners, it could be reinstated. This historically has taken place in early fall.
Charity Bridge - Unemployed Support Group: This Charity Bridge support group explores how faith can be a source of healing as it has been for Deacon Cliff Maduzia and Chris Washo, a practicing Catholic and licensed Clinical Social Worker. You may contact Deacon Cliff of Chris if you would like to help or need help. Deacon Cliff: 217-791-1264, email: cmaduzia1@gmail.com; Chris Washo: 217-239-1547, email: cwashotherapy@sbcglobal.net.
Partnering With Catholic Charities & Catholic Relief Services: Collaboration and online resourcing with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), and Catholic Charities USA, provide Advocacy for Justice and ensure that St. Patrick’s parishioners are kept up-to-date on social justice issues that invite a response and call for action by our legislators. Indicate your interest by asking to be added to the email list. Contact: Frank Rosser, frosserretired@gmail.com.
Respect Life: The Respect Life program was established to study, pray, and plan activities in our parish that foster reverence for the whole of life, from conception to natural death. St Patrick co-sponsors an ecumenical memorial prayer service held annually in January on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade decision and participates in Community respect-life activities as well as in raising legislative alerts. Megan Logsdon, 217-637-3481 or m.logsdon@hotmail.com.
Stewardship Ministry
Archives Committee: We are digging deep and finding a goldmine of treasures from St. Patrick’s history in our archives. If you would like to join in organizing the information and sharing it with our parish, please email Pam Donze DeLey at pamdonzedeley@gmail.com.
Collection Counters (None needed at this time): On Mondays, from 8 to 10 am, a team of parishioners gathers to count the collections taken up at weekend Masses. What might otherwise be a time-consuming and tedious job is made easy and pleasant by teamwork and friendship. Contact Jackie Grandone at 217-367-2665 or jackie.grandone@stpaturbana.org.
Grounds Crew: This group is responsible for maintaining the parish grounds. They perform seasonal cleaning of the parish grounds, during Spring and Fall and plant and maintain throughout the summer. Have a green thumb? If interested contact Phil Davis, sue.phil.davis@gmail.com.
Councils & Advisory Groups
Parish Council: The Parish Council consists of parishioners who serve in an advisory role for the pastor and parish trustees regarding spiritual and secular matters of the parish. Members are tasked with planning and executing events that help to establish and promote a welcoming and spiritually-enriching community. If you would like to considered as a member of the parish council, please contact Carl Nelson at chnelson@illinois.edu.
Finance Council: The Finance Council assists in preparing the annual parish operating budget, analyzes expenditures, reviews financial reports and advises the pastors regarding financial matters. One of the Finance Council’s primary functions is to increase parishioners’ awareness of the need and opportunities for their support of St Patrick through regular financial contributions and parish fundraisers. Contact jackie.grandone@stpaturbana.org.
Facilities and Resources (F.A.R.) Group: This committee offers its expertise for the ongoing maintenance, repair, and operation of all parish property, equipment, and grounds. Share your skills in any trade (electrician, plumber, construction, etc.) to serve our parish. Email, Mark Gerhart, tinevcha07@yahoo.com.
Safety Advisory Resource (S.A.R.) Group: This committee works to ensure the safety and security of our parishioners as well as our facilities. Email Ken Horn: kenhorn1@comcast.net.
Vincent O. Greene Scholarship Committee: The Vincent O. Greene Scholarship Committee is an advisory group to the pastor to assist in reviewing scholarship applications and making recommendations for scholarship amounts distributed annually from the parish gift made by Mr. Vincent O. Greene. The committee meets once each year and is made up of St Patrick Parishioners. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please call the parish office, 217-367-2665.
For a more detailed description of our Parish Community Life Ministries, click here.
For a more detailed description of our Peace and Justice Ministries, click here.
For a more detailed description of our Spiritual Enrichment Ministries, click here.
For a more detailed description of our Stewardship Ministries, click here.
Calendar of Church Events:
To see upcoming events on our calendar, click here.