Some News For You
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Lenten Journey 2025
Lent is a time of preparation – of prayer, repentance, almsgiving, fasting, and reflection. We invite you to take part in all of the opportunities that St. Patrick offers this Lent to help prepare you for the celebration of Easter.
Lenten Regulations
1. Lent is the principal season of penance in the Christian year. Priests, religious and laity are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self-denial, attentiveness to prayer, and especially to works of charity and mercy.
2. Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and all Fridays of Lent.
3. Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and Good Friday, April 18, 2025.
4. On these two days of fast and abstinence, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on these two days, but liquids including milk and fruit juices are allowed. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige.
5. To disregard completely the law of fast and abstinence is a serious matter.
General Schedule
Mass Schedule
Sat. 4 pm (vigil)
Sun. 8 am, 10 am
Daily Mass:
Tues. – Fri. 12:10 p.m.
Ash Wednesday, March 5
12:10 pm & 5:15 pm
Wed., Thur. 11:00 am til noon
Fri. 10:30 am til noon
Sat. 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm
Communal: TBA
Adoration & Benediction
Fri. 11:00 am til noon
Lenten Opportunities
Fridays in Lent
Stations of the Cross, 5:30 pm
Knights of Columbus Lenten dinner, 5:30 pm St Brigid Hall
Aid to Eastern European Churches - Ash Wednesday
Collection for Holy Land – Good Friday, April 18
Catholic Relief Services – Rice Bowl
Daily Prayer
Daily Meditations –Not by Bread Alone & The Word Among Us - booklets available for pick up in the gathering space.
Lenten Study
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory Available in the gathering space, while copies last.
Triduum Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 17
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:00 pm
Adoration in the parish hall until Midnight
Good Friday, April 18
Stations of the Cross, 3:00 pm
Passion, Veneration, and Holy Communion, 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday, April 19
Easter Vigil Mass, 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday, April 20
8:00 am & 10:00 am
There is a Facebook account posing as Bishop Lou’s personal page. For example, there is one labeled as Bishop Lou TyIka (with a capital “i" instead of an L in his last name).
We have contacted Facebook several times in hoping to get the fake one(s) removed. IN the meantime, please let people know that any and all messages received from these accounts should be ignored and reported. Bishop Lou would never reach out through Facebook to ask for personal information or money.
Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams
Cybersecurity threats, including phishing attempts, are on the rise, and staying vigilant is key to keeping our church, school and personal information safe. Phishing is when cybercriminals use fraudulent emails, websites, or messages to trick you into providing sensitive information like passwords, financial data, or personal details.
Red Flags of Phishing Emails:
Suspicious Senders: Emails from unknown or unusual email addresses.
Example: A message that seems to be from "Fr. Smith" but comes from "" instead of their actual work email address.
Urgent or Threatening Language: Messages pressuring you to act quickly.
Generic Greetings: Look out for "Dear Friend" instead of personalized greetings.
Unusual Requests: Asking for sensitive information like passwords or account details.
Misspellings and Poor Grammar: Legitimate organizations usually proofread their communications.
Unverified Links: Hover over links without clicking to see the actual URL. Unverified URL’s would be things like
Watch Out for Impersonation Attempts:
Phishers often pose as coworkers, using email addresses or phone numbers that look similar to legitimate ones.
Example: You receive a text message from a number claiming to be your pastor or manager, asking you to purchase gift cards and send the codes urgently.
Always verify the sender by contacting them through a known, official channel.
How to Protect Yourself:
Verify Requests: If you're unsure about an email, contact the sender directly using known contact information.
Avoid Clicking Links: Type URLs into your browser instead of clicking links in emails.
Don’t Open/Download Attachments: Especially from unknown senders.
Use Strong Passwords: Regularly update and use unique passwords for different accounts.
Report Suspicious Emails: Report phishing emails, block the sender, and delete the email from your inbox.
Your awareness and quick action can prevent potential threats to our parishes, schools and ministries.
Parish Groups: Communication of Your Events
We want your events to be known by the parish and we need your help.
A few things to keep in mind:
Fr. Anthony is not in charge of the communication of events. If you ask him to communicate your event, he will direct you to speak with the staff.
We avoid making announcements at Mass because it can be information overload for people.
We need the requests for communicating events to be made at least three weeks in advance to help the staff balance their workload and because the bulletin is prepared many days in advance before it is sent to the publisher, printed, and mailed to the parish.
We highly recommend that members of your group personally call potential attendees and ask them to commit to your event. The personal ask is the most relational means to invite someone and is proven to work.
Please make sure someone in your group does the following 5 things:
Bulletin - request Patricia to place the event in the parish a week or more in advance.
Website - request Collin (and cc Jon) to add the event to the “News” page of our website.
Flocknote - request Collin (and cc Jon) that the event be highlighted in the weekly Flocknote message.
Facebook - request Collin (and cc Jon). You are welcome to request a “Facebook Blast” to extend the communication. We ask that your group pay the small fee.
Other Parishes - if your event is open to the public, simply email the other local parishes requesting that they advertise it in their bulletin.
2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal
The theme of this year’s ADA is “Do Everything for the Glory of God!” ADA supports the various ministries that work beyond any single parish but across the diocese as a whole. Each of us are members of the Body of Christ - as individuals, as a parish family, as a diocese under our bishop, and as the entire world-wide Catholic Church. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge using the cards in the pews or via the letters you will soon be receiving to help enable our diocese to continue to bring the love of Christ through the many hands of our parishes to our communities. For more information, click here.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent starting at 5:30pm, from March 7th - April 11th, in the Church nave
Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fries
Fridays during Lent 5:30-7:30pm, March 7th - April 11th, in St. Brigid Hall
The Knights of Columbus are hosting our Lenten Fish Fries again this year, serving fried or baked cod with a variety of side options, and of course meals for the kiddos! Prices are $15 per adult, $10 per child, or the incredible deal of $35 for the whole family! Eat-in and To-go options are available again, and if you’d like to help bake a dessert please contact Mary Tate a week prior.
Deacon David Zola Memorial Scholarship
Ongoing, Due April 14th
This scholarship is named after Deacon David Zola, who was a member of St. Patrick’s Parish since 1978 and was a graduate of the ninth class of permanent deacons for the Diocese of Peoria. Deacon David was ordained on May 19, 2012 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Deacon David loved his St. Patrick’s family. He was always there to greet parishioners before Mass with a smile and a hand shake.
Education was very important to Deacon David, as many of his students could attest to. He was so loved at the University of Illinois that the students helped in naming a coffee shop area after him where he often met with many of his students.
Deacon David’s scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior who attends St. Patrick’s Parish and plans to attend college or further their education.
Applications are available online at and should be submitted by April 14th to
One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually at the Graduation Mass. Recipient will be notified the first week of May.
Spalding Scholarship for Diocesan and Parish Assistance for K-12 Catholic School Students
Ongoing, Due by April 25th
See our Catholic Schools page for more info
Why are we doing Growing Disciples as a Diocese?
We are Growing Disciples. Bishop Tylka chose that title intentionally. The world is different and we have to find new ways of doing things. We have fewer priests. Fewer Catholics. Fewer children. People are moving. We have to reimagine the way we reach people with the Good News.
The Growing Disciples process is designed to provoke conversation, to gather data and receive feedback. No decision has been made – and Bishop Tylka will consider all of the data and your feedback as he discerns the future footprint of the Diocese of Peoria.
To see Bishop Tylka’s letter to the faithful regarding the final decisions for this part of the Growing Disciples program, click here.
Also, please click on the link below to see FAQ’s regarding the Growing Disciples program.
More on our Eucharistic Revival
The Eucharistic Revival Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for calling each one of us to a deeper relationship with you. We ask that you bless the St. Patrick Eucharistic Revival. May we gather as a parish family around your table with hearts open to receive your grace. Show us each “There’s a Place for Me.”
Additional Resources
The Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
Servers Needed
You might have noticed that we do not have altar servers at this time. We have advertised in the past requesting servers but we have had little interest. In order to get the program going we need two things:
1) Kids interested to serve.
2) Server mentors that can instruct and correct them after each Sunday Mass.
Pray that our children will take advantage of this opportunity.
Religious Education at St. Patrick
Here at St. Patrick, we want to help you, the parents, by helping your children grow in their relationship with God and in their Catholic faith. That is why we offer religious education classes for all students PreK4 through 12th grade. For more information and to sign up for classes, please visit our Religious Education page. If you have any questions, please contact Jon McCoy at
Calling All Parents!
Join the new St. Patrick’s Parents and Tots Group! Come for fun, solidarity, and prayer. Our vision is to create opportunities to make new friends, share our faith, and support each other! Contact here for questions and ideas:
Dear friends,
This week we found a consecrated host on the floor of the church close to the vestibule doors. I need your help.
The training we are offering our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) is to watch people place the Blessed Sacrament in their mouths. They are responsible for the care of the Holy Eucharist from when they receive the ciborium on the altar until the person begins to consume Jesus.
Allow us to see you consume Jesus
Some people make it hard for the EMHC to watch them consume. They walk several paces away and with their backs turned away, they place Jesus in their mouths. Please help us out, when you receive, do a side step while facing the crucifix and then consume.
Notify an usher should you see a person holding a host in their pew
Nobody should have the Blessed Sacrament while in their pews. If you see someone, ask an usher to help.
Thank you all for your help!
God bless you,
Fr. Anthony
Easter Message From Bishop Tylka
Vision of St. Patrick
Help Ukraine
Please consider donating to the Knights of Columbus Ukrainian Relief Fund to help those displaced by the current conflict.
Donations Needed
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags. Please consider recycling plastic shopping bags by dropping them off near the pantry door or in the food donation basket in the back of church. Thank you!
Sign-up for our Flocknote! Stay up to date on important announcements and the latest news through our texting resource. We send out weekly updates so you can stay connected to all the happenings around our parish! Be sure to sign-up today by texting the message URBANA to the number 84576
The St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry schedule is as follows: Food will be distributed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 pm at the south entrance of the parish center off Main St.
Coffee Shop: Coffee shop is now open every Sunday after the 8 am mass in St. Brigid Hall (main hall of the parish center). All items are $1.00. On the first Sunday of every month, Coffee shop is open after both the 8 am and 10 am masses and everything is free!
I love St. Joseph!
Camera Operators Needed
In the last year we have offered people almost daily meditations on the Word of God by streaming the Mass. We have also streamed weddings, funerals, and baptisms. As a result, so many people have been blessed. It amazes us every time we receive encouraging words about how it has helped individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus. We not only hear this from our parishioners viewing but also many people around the globe.
All of this is made possible because of the generous volunteers that give of their time and energy to operate the cameras in church. Most of our volunteers have never done anything like this in their lives. Most of them control the cameras off of their home computers.
At this time, we need more volunteers. The training is simple. You can control the cameras from a home computer or in the church. If you are interested, please contact the front desk. Thank you for considering this beautiful apostolate!
Need A Hospital Visit?
Before your loved one gets to a hospital, contact the parish office for Fr. Anthony to offer the Sacraments.
Ask the hospital to verify that your loved one is designated as “Catholic.” Sometimes this information doesn’t end up in the patient’s file and so a priest doesn’t come to visit.
Contact the parish to let us know of any sick parishioners so that the staff can pray for you all.
Fr. Aloy visits Catholics on Sunday. You can reach him by asking your nurse at Carle.
Fr. Ohm visits Monday - Friday. You cannot reach him through Carle.
Fr. Anthony can visit upon request. You can reach him by calling the parish office.
Academic Scholarships!
Many do not know of the various academic scholarships sponsored by our parish. This is a beautiful example of the generosity of the mary parishioners at St. Patrick. Please take the time to learn more and see if you qualify for financial assistance.